Contact Us

Phone: (860) 633-4691

General Email / News Submission / Letters to the Editor:
for The Glastonbury Citizen:
for the Rivereast News Bulletin:

Josh Howard Office Manager and Sports Editor: ext. 108
Chris Seymour, Editor, The Glastonbury Citizen: ext. 105
Mike Thompson, Editor, Rivereast News Bulletin: ext. 106
Julie Misuraca, Circulation & Subscriptions: ext. 102
Julie Misuraca, Legal Notices: ext. 109
Laura Godden, Classifieds, General Information: ext. 101

Sales Representatives:
Jason Baran: ext. 104
covering Amston, Colchester, East Hampton, Hebron, Marlborough, Portland, Salem, southeast CT
Lisa Snietka: ext. 103
covering Glastonbury, Hartford, West Hartford, Andover, Columbia, Cromwell, East Hartford, Manchester, Middletown, Newington, Rocky Hill, South Windsor, Vernon/Rockville, Wethersfield, etc

If you do not see your town listed please give us a call at 860-633-4691.

The Glastonbury Citizen Reporters:
Shawn Dagle: ext. 107
Town Hall, Features, Police News, General

Rivereast News Bulletin Reporters:
London Brazal
covering East Hampton, Portland
Michael Sinkewicz
covering Andover, Colchester, Hebron & RHAM

Mailing Address:
The Glastonbury Citizen / Rivereast News Bulletin
PO Box 373, Glastonbury, CT 06033

Visit Us At:
87 Nutmeg Lane, Glastonbury, CT 06033
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm
We are closed on Friday.