How do I submit a news item?
The Glastonbury Citizen and Rivereast News Bulletin will print a variety of material as free news items. Press releases, event listings, engagement announcements and wedding announcements all run at no cost. Simply email the text as a word document and (if applicable) attach the photo as a separate file to The Glastonbury Citizen chris@glcitizen.com or Rivereast News Bulletin bulletin@glcitizen.com. Please call 860-633-4691 to make your credit card payment over the phone.

How do I submit a photo?
For publication in The Glastonbury Citizen, email photos to: chris@glcitizen.com
For publication in the Rivereast New Bulletin, email photos to: bulletin@glcitizen.com

Include all pertinent photo information (i.e. date, location, first and last names of people in the photograph and a detailed caption). The photo should be sent to us as its original, full size image file. Please include a contact telephone number.

Hard copy photos may be submitted along with all pertinent photo information including a contact number, and either mailed to The Glastonbury Citizen / Rivereast News Bulletin, PO Box 373, Glastonbury, CT 06033-0373 OR submitted in person at 87 Nutmeg Lane, Glastonbury.

How do I submit a letter to the editor? How do I submit a press release?
For publication in The Glastonbury Citizen, email a .txt or .doc file as an attachment to: chris@glcitizen.com
For publication in the Rivereast News Bulletin, email a .txt or .doc file as an attachment to: bulletin@glcitizen.com
Rivereast letters must be 300 words or less; Citizen letters must be 500 words or less.
Please be advised we only print letters that are from local citizens.
Please DO NOT send letters or press releases as PDFs.
A contact phone number for letters is required but will not be published.
Citizen deadline for letters and press releases is Monday at noon.
Rivereast deadline for letters and press releases is Tuesday at noon.
Email is strongly preferred for submissions, but you may also:
Mail it to The Glastonbury Citizen / Rivereast News Bulletin, PO Box 373, Glastonbury, CT 06033-0373
Bring it to our office at 87 Nutmeg Lane, Glastonbury

How do I submit an obituary? 
There is a $100 fee to place an obituary. Simply email the text as a word document and, if desired, attach a photo as a separate file to The Glastonbury Citizen chris@glcitizen.com or Rivereast News Bulletin bulletin@glcitizen.com . Please call 860-633-4691 to make your credit card payment over the phone.

How do I run a classified ad?
We strongly prefer classifieds to be submitted via email: admin@glcitizen.com. Please include your phone number; do not put credit card information into the email. All Classifieds are prepaid unless an account has been set up.
Or bring it to our office at:
87 Nutmeg Lane, Glastonbury, CT 06033

How do I run a display ad?
Determine who your sales rep is by clicking here.
Call 860-633-4691 to set up an appointment with your sales rep as they are in and out of the office to see clients.

How do I run a legal notice?
Email your legal notice to legals@glcitizen.com and include the date(s) you need it published. All emails will be responded to and publication will be confirmed. Payments for legal notices can be made by calling 860-633-4691. Legal notices must be received by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays for publication in The Glastonbury Citizen and by 10:00 a.m. on Wednesdays for publication in the Rivereast News Bulletin.

How do I subscribe or renew my subscription?
To make a payment, click here to visit our subscription info page.