We Are…

The Glastonbury Citizen & Rivereast News Bulletin

We are a family-owned and operated weekly newspaper located in Glastonbury, CT. For over 70 years, the Citizen has been the authoritative source for in-depth news about the Glastonbury community—its schools, its sports teams and its government.

The Glastonbury Citizen is published every Thursday; the Rivereast News Bulletin is published every Friday and covers news and events in the communities of Amston, Andover, Cobalt, Colchester, East Hampton, Hebron, Marlborough, Middle Haddam and Portland.

P.O. Box 373 • 87 Nutmeg Lane, Glastonbury, CT 06033
Phone (860) 633-4691
Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm
The Glastonbury Citizen email: chris@glcitizen.com
Rivereast News Bulletin email: bulletin@glcitizen.com